It’s been said by those much wiser than I, that imitation is one of the best attempts at flattery , so this may enter in here. But it seems, I’ll write something here in the Journal, and invariably I’ll see it rewritten in another piece of news copy, but I can recognize the line just as a Daddy knows its infant.
I always think, is the amount of creative, individual thinking gone? Or is it just diminished or on hiatus. Is it lack of the want to try ? Or is it fear that someone they know might find out they were using their mind. Has our society became so fearful, that we subdue or need to reach out, and thus fall in line with assimilation?
I have never ever been that way, and if things do go that way, this old wolf is pulling the trigger and getting off the planet.
The ability to just be me and all , in luau of following a masters leash, is the real difference between a Wolf, and a canine mutt.
Fears of the cold way, are back. I told ya’ll years ago, and a line from one of CDB’s songs that goes, “ I don’t know who turned Gorbichav on, but someone ought to turn him off” The fact that the wall fell, is nothing. The damn Crouts and Ruskies have been plotting against us from WWII to right now. They never gave up. They have just waited until we got out of shape and weak, so now its near invasion time. If you think I’m joking or lost what little mind I have left due to northern yankee attempted reprogramming, I have news for you.
It’s time to give Obama, and every damn politician in DC the boot, lets get the southern CNP people in there , and lets take our nation back. To hell with the FCC which albeit the FCC Director is looking at easing the fallout of the latest round FCC frequency auctions of LPTV . That’s right those over the air TV channels like what is in Twin Falls, Idaho will soon be history. Leaving many Rural Americans , who can’t afford either Internet , or digital, or preytell satellite/cable TV in the cold and dark. Reason? Keep Americans blind and deaf, then YOU can’t kick ass. If we don’t get some house cleaning going in DC, we wont have a nation. It’ll be a sub-burb of Russia or at least the Soviet Union, ran by representative Obama. Who is a Russian ass kisser to begin with.
Now then, and this will fall on deaf and blind , but dig this, the organization IAVA sent me a email to give the day of Memorial Day a day of silence for lost warriors. Which I plan on doing. However, I have two things here, how about giving a salute to our CONFEDERATE soldiers from the great war on Memorial Day? Next how about remembering those that really made a difference, like Pappy. I put that in the space of the pledge to be silent on Memorial Day, I put in Greg Boyington. For it’s a fact, the 214 and the BlackSheep, truly won WWII, at least in the Pacific theater.
Quote of the Day:
It is better to aim at perfection and miss, than to aim at imperfection and hit it
--Thomas J. Watson
Romans 15:5-6“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Brought to you by Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |