Before I get started this morning, Should we send Mr. Dick Morris a box of Xlax? so he can get some relief, and not have to be so anal-retentive?
Good morning from the armpit of the Northern Union. Or at least what is considered morning.
Got the grand bill statement from MaBell, yesterday, and it'll be paid come July 1st and all, but I'd have been more responsive if we would have gotten or still received the exact system we requested from them. Now that being what it is, ever tried to contact Ma-Bell? You never can get the exact person, that just might have it together enough to render help, and most times you end up screaming at the call taker. Who really has no control of anything. They get this thing called a reader board that they read if whatever it is that your consulting with them on, is not on that reader board, your
But it's not just Ma-Bell, its any piece of any mass communication, or media firm(except us at HazzardAyre), nobody wants to take responsibility. Apparently, it comes down to, their thought as it goes, my income and security is more important to me, than to help you. And that's the crux of it. We live in a ME, first, maybe you later mentality. We do not live in a world that says, all lives, all people, matter. It's this Cancel Culture. Thing is they will not, cannot, Cancel, HazzardAyre, that includes Southern Wyngz Radio, they cannot cancel the fact that we are proud people of the Confederacy, and have our roots firmly planted in deep in the soil of Dixie. Being a Confederate, should not be a crime, nor something any of us that still sings Dixie, or salutes both flags of this nation. Just like the guy who used to host that Bachelor show, being canned for saying that a plantation dance was wrong, or that Miss Teen, was shut down for wearing a southern belle's gown. Bullshit. But dig this, the Union's people are yapping and whimpering, how bad it is that fewer people are saluting old Glory. But you won't hear the media covering anyone, who salutes our flag of Dixie. Of which there were a total of 6, not the one that is a battle flag of our Confederacy, only one as said catches hell. If we are teaching kids, Critcle Race Theory, why not start teaching the real truth about that regit war that put kin against kin, that it wasn't slavery, it wasn't about race, it was simply a military action, to mandate that the south do all the heavy lifting, and Yankee's getting all the spoils. And that is what it was all about. States rights, and taxation, not everything else that's ever been ballywhoo-ed. Now let me get back on tap here. On Facebook the other day I got this barking about a photo I put on's FB page of our studios. Of course, my Dixie flag was in the photo, waving proud, and yet, only one spoke up about or came to its defense, besides me. No mention, of that, 's a groovy studio, only the flag. Sorry people, as its said in one of our songs that we play on air. You got it all wrong. It was a conflict bred out of oppression, not race aggression. Okay then moving on. Still haven't got even a return NewsMax yet, my suspicions are that we won't, guess a online station, putting its hands over our Dixie culture, hearts is too much for them, and that's just the injustice that we are on the air to defend.
Then saw a post from my Bro in Wyoming, so fed up, that he was calling the junkyard, on his rides. Of course, I got up, on what happens to LexiBelle. My affection for Rick goes much deeper than, just friendship, and I love that man, as much as any man should or could love another man. Been thinking that A; best fetch LexiBelle, soon, or move down there long enough to mend LexiBelle's injured heart. Thing is what I want to know, is when are big firms, going to take responsibility? When is Corporate America, going to honor those of us in jeans that make those fat cats mucho mulla? Show at 18:00 Stay tuned.
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