Thursday, July 15, 2021

So why don't you just go home and sleep?


So why don't you just go home and sleep? Simple, amongst a ton of other reasons, its just too dang burned hot in my apartment during the day. Sure there's a ca unit in the kitchen, but how about one in the dad blamed bedroom. Then the place would stay cooler. Second I need to be productive, there's a ton and a half of things to do before I shrug it all off and head to Oshkosh, as well as Sturgis. Third, this radio gig is needing a bunch more hand holding and nurturing, before the move in September to better quarters here in Twin Falls. And that's a short list. Hey I am grateful for my home and operation going as smoothly as it has been for a few months, but still, the infrastructure just isn't here so need to be where the op, can gain some traction. Plus the gnarley, attitude, of my next-door neighbors here, with the coffee shop, and all, I'm not in a big hurry to stay put. Ain't lost much love for things, here. I had an idea of moving to Etown Wyoming, and resetting up shop there, but at the cost of rentals there, it ain't in the cards. Little Douggy and I were discussing things, just on the toew gig, overnight. He agreed that while A1, J&C, and all might have the market tied up here in Tweaker Flatts, I get calls from Gooding, Shoshone, Bliss, and even out of Jerome. While I dig the location for the radio gig, must be in Twin, still, I could always sleep, reside, and toew in one of those other locations, so we are looking into that. If I move to Wyoming, all I'm doing is giving up and running away, when I don't really need to. I made up my mind, it'd be best to get some outfit, to go fetch LexiBelle, and get her ready for a severe winter coming, and this year not miss a full towing season, like I did last year and the year before. Look, I love Rick like kinfolk, but his health and limitations, means all LexiBelle does is sit, and I stay near broke. The only thing keeping us alive right now is the wildfires all over the place and our flight crews busy. I can't wait forever, so that means remain, find quarters elsewhere in the valley, and git r done. On subjects of pinups and such. 

I see a bunch of photography with bikes, 

What I don't see much are photography with, Warbirds 
like this 
or any with a tow truck. Why? I know the frontal scenery of the prohibition of such things as the same Church that I go to. I have no idea why, must have something to do with, thou shalt not model. However, the thing is; when ZCMI was in vogue, there were tons of models, in fact, there are several agencies in Utah, mainly Salt Lake City. The same reason, that even a great TV series like Yellowstone, 
is shot in Utah, mostly near ParkCity. Why? Easy, Utah has a better understanding about things like that and thus has a strong film commission. Unlike Idaho, Wyoming, or Montana. Just like a few weeks ago at church. Saw a gal there do a talk, as one of the youth speakers. She captivated my attention, sure I listened to the talk, but my other brain was saying, my I'd love to get her in front of a lens. Her name was something Weaver, subject needs to be sniffed out more, but I thought, why doesn't Idaho show her beauty, on film and TV? Why is there no strong working film commission in Idaho. Where did that go? BTW on Yellowstone the TV show, there's a helicopter, that is maintained in part by Ayrewolf Aviation, 
No, we don't own it(yet) But we keep it flying. Any mile, same thing with the Utah Film Commission, we are on contract, for finding and maintaining specialty cars and vehicles for films and TV shows. If your now wondering why I don't just move there, if it weren't so damn expensive, I'd have already been moved there. As it is, I'm here, and the WolfPack, are flat determined to get people in the air, not just on the air. As far as the smooching, of feet and all, that was a one-time thing, for an ad campaign for both the shop, as well as the station, we are working on other things. Albeit, I can't understand why women get a quiver, about a guy smooching their stinkee feet and or toes but hey I got balls, they have vaginas, and that's how that works. Any mile going to sack out on the couch here in the office, see you on HazzardAyre tonight at 23:00.

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