Thursday, July 15, 2021

So why don't you just go home and sleep?


So why don't you just go home and sleep? Simple, amongst a ton of other reasons, its just too dang burned hot in my apartment during the day. Sure there's a ca unit in the kitchen, but how about one in the dad blamed bedroom. Then the place would stay cooler. Second I need to be productive, there's a ton and a half of things to do before I shrug it all off and head to Oshkosh, as well as Sturgis. Third, this radio gig is needing a bunch more hand holding and nurturing, before the move in September to better quarters here in Twin Falls. And that's a short list. Hey I am grateful for my home and operation going as smoothly as it has been for a few months, but still, the infrastructure just isn't here so need to be where the op, can gain some traction. Plus the gnarley, attitude, of my next-door neighbors here, with the coffee shop, and all, I'm not in a big hurry to stay put. Ain't lost much love for things, here. I had an idea of moving to Etown Wyoming, and resetting up shop there, but at the cost of rentals there, it ain't in the cards. Little Douggy and I were discussing things, just on the toew gig, overnight. He agreed that while A1, J&C, and all might have the market tied up here in Tweaker Flatts, I get calls from Gooding, Shoshone, Bliss, and even out of Jerome. While I dig the location for the radio gig, must be in Twin, still, I could always sleep, reside, and toew in one of those other locations, so we are looking into that. If I move to Wyoming, all I'm doing is giving up and running away, when I don't really need to. I made up my mind, it'd be best to get some outfit, to go fetch LexiBelle, and get her ready for a severe winter coming, and this year not miss a full towing season, like I did last year and the year before. Look, I love Rick like kinfolk, but his health and limitations, means all LexiBelle does is sit, and I stay near broke. The only thing keeping us alive right now is the wildfires all over the place and our flight crews busy. I can't wait forever, so that means remain, find quarters elsewhere in the valley, and git r done. On subjects of pinups and such. 

I see a bunch of photography with bikes, 

What I don't see much are photography with, Warbirds 
like this 
or any with a tow truck. Why? I know the frontal scenery of the prohibition of such things as the same Church that I go to. I have no idea why, must have something to do with, thou shalt not model. However, the thing is; when ZCMI was in vogue, there were tons of models, in fact, there are several agencies in Utah, mainly Salt Lake City. The same reason, that even a great TV series like Yellowstone, 
is shot in Utah, mostly near ParkCity. Why? Easy, Utah has a better understanding about things like that and thus has a strong film commission. Unlike Idaho, Wyoming, or Montana. Just like a few weeks ago at church. Saw a gal there do a talk, as one of the youth speakers. She captivated my attention, sure I listened to the talk, but my other brain was saying, my I'd love to get her in front of a lens. Her name was something Weaver, subject needs to be sniffed out more, but I thought, why doesn't Idaho show her beauty, on film and TV? Why is there no strong working film commission in Idaho. Where did that go? BTW on Yellowstone the TV show, there's a helicopter, that is maintained in part by Ayrewolf Aviation, 
No, we don't own it(yet) But we keep it flying. Any mile, same thing with the Utah Film Commission, we are on contract, for finding and maintaining specialty cars and vehicles for films and TV shows. If your now wondering why I don't just move there, if it weren't so damn expensive, I'd have already been moved there. As it is, I'm here, and the WolfPack, are flat determined to get people in the air, not just on the air. As far as the smooching, of feet and all, that was a one-time thing, for an ad campaign for both the shop, as well as the station, we are working on other things. Albeit, I can't understand why women get a quiver, about a guy smooching their stinkee feet and or toes but hey I got balls, they have vaginas, and that's how that works. Any mile going to sack out on the couch here in the office, see you on HazzardAyre tonight at 23:00.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Had another topic in mind butt I forgot what it was, oh well. People are getting more stupid, and men are turning girlish.


Have you noticed? That more people just keep getting intelligence challenged? Serious, as long as they have a reference point, or a YouTube video such as this,
 then they can accomplish a task. Without it and their SmartPhones, they just look at you like a deer on the highway at night when you spot em, with your headlights. It's just geting bazzerk. But that's not all, the parts counter guy, or girl, (women are the ones getting more intellectually challenged) for a serious part. Had a service job, come in. One of my new crew from HotRod University 

come over and do a points adjust on a 56 Merc, Montclair with an older 312 Y block V8. Totally confused this kid. He is now studying the lesson, I taught on this very thing. But it doesn't stop there. Went for the monthly breakfast with the SWC group. Yes the people behind this very blog. So this tiny mouse was assigned to our table. Don't know if it was just or what, but she was so timid could hardly speak. This young thing should be doing office work, not serving at a IHOP. It just isn't her choice of vocation or employment. Then discovered some one decided to hack this publication. They were writing about birds. Okay fine, butt 
 groovy, however thing is nobody ever writes about my favorite bird the sweet and innocent Killdeer. 

I wonder at these cute little creatures. That heavy body running at about 60 mph, on those tiny thin as a twig legs. Maybe My bird of choice is where the starlet 
got her name from. Any how somebody started writing about shit, that had no real business being as 411 in this blog. It don't matter where or what, if your connected, your being scanned and not always by people that's going to line your wallet, more like someone needing to line their wallet. Very amazing. Simply put however , this publication is for and about us who restore, ressurects and repair as well as vintage military warbirds, aka Military aircraft. 
as it says in the main poster for this publication. We are about flying, and Howlin oldies, rides. Not about anything else. Or at least not much else, except the toew business, as well as both the Knytes and the WolfPack. 

Any more, I'm more into aviation than just about any mode of transportation. You can't really describe the rush and brain fry in a pleasant way that flying your own aircraft. Fixed wing, or Rotorcraft.  It's best described in a thing I discovered , that says;
researching the history of bygone aircraft that painstakingly rebuild, and then FAA inspected, you fly. The history of the years of when military flight was hip, the era, of WWII and such, right down to the pinups 
and what we call nose art, 

and it's not just old-time era that displays honeys on Vintage byrds. No, Even today one of my best friends Scott, finds excellent aircraft, hires local models(wonder how he finds em, we always have no luck. Must be the toew fright) anyhow, he finds delicious babes dresses em up in vintage threads including nylons and takes pictures. Then sells em for calendars and keepsakes. 

About the only thing he hasn't photographed is a Huey or a chopper of some such and photographed some hod bod with it. Guess that's our job. The nose art and pinups are what drug me back to the model talent crap. It's not a self-serving thing for me to indulge a honey, and the foot toe kissing thing, that came about years ago, and has been AyreToew's tag ever since, including and very much because of Daisy 
 Duke and her sweet hind paws. We thought having a gal sitting on the side of LexiBelle, I kiss her toes and the tag we love toes(toews). 

it's not any real pleasure, to sit and or kneel smooching a gals really stinkee, feet for a photo op. As much as I am sorta into that, women's feet, do getting sweaty, can create a really ronchee sink. Something along the line of wet mut, and corn chips. However, most women we recruit for this can't get the idea. Hence, the More stupid thing. Look, I'm not into this LGBTQ, shit, nor the whole queer movement. I hate seeing guys being afraid of being well-male. Why throw that away. God made the two genders for a reason. Boys should love and be taught that it's okay to haul their lady friends' Barbie Doll furniture in his Tonka Truck, not throw away the Tonka Truck, and start playing with the Barbie doll. It's just not right. 

Okay, one last diddy here. Been getting into this series that ran in 2017 on a Aussie TV network called Love Child, 

 aside of the main focus, there are tons of mid-'60s to early 1970's music. Music I grew up with. Of course, the honeys on there were fantastic, Annie Carmicheal, 
thing is, the title song is of the hit song Love Child, by Diana Ross and the Supremes. Once you hear that, it's the kind of song that just sticks in your brain. Any flyte, I need to go, but thing is; this publication is not about avian birds, it's about Military Flight. See you on the air starting at 03:00 Mountain Standard Time, on: