Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Monkee see, Monkee does


It’s been said by those much wiser than I, that imitation is one of the best attempts at flattery , so this may enter in here. But it seems, I’ll write something here in the Journal, and invariably I’ll see it rewritten in another piece of news copy, but I can recognize the line just as a Daddy knows its infant.

I always think, is the amount of creative, individual thinking gone? Or is it just diminished or on hiatus. Is it lack of the want to try ? Or is it fear that someone they know might find out they were using their mind. Has our society became so fearful, that we subdue or need to reach out, and thus fall in line with assimilation?

I have never ever been that way, and if things do go that way, this old wolf is pulling the trigger and getting off the planet.

The ability to just be me and all , in luau of following a masters leash, is the real difference between a Wolf, and a canine mutt.

Fears of the cold way, are back. I told ya’ll years ago, and a line from one of CDB’s songs that goes, “ I don’t know who turned Gorbichav on, but someone ought to turn him off” The fact that the wall fell, is nothing. The damn Crouts and Ruskies have been plotting against us from WWII to right now. They never gave up. They have just waited until we got out of shape and weak, so now its near invasion time.  If you think I’m joking or lost what little mind I have left due to northern yankee attempted reprogramming, I have news for you.

It’s time to give Obama, and every damn politician in DC the boot, lets get the southern CNP people in there , and lets take our nation back. To hell with the FCC which albeit the FCC Director is looking at easing the fallout of the latest round FCC frequency auctions of LPTV . That’s right those over the air TV channels like what is in Twin Falls, Idaho will soon be history. Leaving many Rural Americans , who can’t afford either Internet , or digital, or preytell satellite/cable TV in the cold and dark. Reason? Keep Americans blind and deaf, then YOU can’t kick ass. If we don’t get some house cleaning going in DC, we wont have a nation. It’ll be a sub-burb of Russia or at least the Soviet Union, ran by representative Obama. Who is a Russian ass kisser to begin with.

Now then, and this will fall on deaf and blind , but dig this, the organization IAVA sent me a email to give the day of Memorial Day a day of silence for lost warriors. Which I plan on doing. However, I have two things here, how about giving a salute to our CONFEDERATE soldiers from the great war on Memorial Day? Next how about remembering those that really made a difference, like Pappy. I put that in the space of the pledge to be silent on Memorial Day, I put in Greg Boyington. For it’s a fact, the 214 and the BlackSheep, truly won WWII, at least in the Pacific theater.


HEDDER SWIFTwynged sig

Quote of the Day:
It is better to aim at perfection and miss, than to aim at imperfection and hit it
--Thomas J. Watson
Romans 15:5-6“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
wyng tail

Monday, May 19, 2014

Tyme to be getting serious


The Little Hooker that could, did, and will again. After a long day of wrangling with my board of directors, mainly my road crew, its been decided to try something.

While the A1 bit tacked onto Cooter’s, is kuel, we thought lets be us for a tyme and see what grynds. So we are gearing up to launching a thing we did, over a decade ago. Yes Cooter’s Highway Hooker Toewing>chht adSo I called our sweetheart at Comcast, Laura, who should be a chief there somewhere. That young lady does more things with grace, precision and effort than just about if not the only one I have dealt with at any utility ever. So with that said understand this, going toewing in Utah was not the top of my list of things to be doing here. But with HazzardAyre needing a bit more tweaking, and some extra hoops to jump through to get to AyreWolf Aviation, thought is pockets getting a bit more shallow. So need to make some green. While that wont happen immediately, as there’s mucho regs to wade through, but I know most of the players, so why not?

A new angle on an old tune.

Okay then. I noticed that our grand photographer from Provo, decided to leave the associated Wolf-Pack. No real loss. In my opinion, his only goal is to make fast cash and constantly promote his old lady. Nothing wrong with that, but constantly at the model interview with Total Model agency in SLC, my main comment was , the gals are NOT IN NYLONS. To me the things are an enhancement that is there. Just like chrome wheels on a truck, they don’t make the truck go any faster, but they sure make it look snazzier. Thus, if your doing something for Hazzard County, and all, nylons are a must. But he never got that, so maybe he can’t take directions? So just like most things, its being done in house. So getting in touch with TMG Wednesday and get the gig on the books.

June 1st means paying on LexiBelle, can’t quite go up there, but no matter what, that’s a bill that’s getting paid so August first I can go get her. Then the gloves come off and we get serious.

I’m sure Dan at MVT just outside of Twin Falls will appreciate that.

On the subject of Twin Falls or at least Idaho. I’m not a big fan of Twin Falls, but I am looking more at Burley as a retreat HQ. Along the lines of the Powers or Evergreen up there, set up shop and kick this gig in gear. While the radio gig, can bloom here in Ogden. If you take off 40 miles from the 204, that’s only 164 miles or 2-1/2 hours down, and same going back, which means a short haul when needed, the rest of the time I stay in Idaho, where life is a bit more relaxed.

Any way its gear down, and doing toew rather than fly.


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Quote of the Day:
If you think nobody cares if you are alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
--Earl Wilson
James 3:17-18“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.
wyng tail

chht ad

What looks like an Oasis, probably is a mirage


What might seem to be a sanctuary or oasis , most likely is a mirage. Here’s a recapped background.

Late November the Knytes high council in Idaho meets, thinks joining with the Utah charter and moving to Utah, for the radio ops. Mid December I get noise I can get Fed money to go get my GA and upgraded pilot rating at a school, in Kearns. So I set out looking for a place for me and the station.

I find office space , listed by an outfit called PPC Commercial Realty of Ogden. Talk to a guy named Nate. He says no problem. He has space, promises he has space, will hold said space. So I set sweet Laura in gear she sets up Comcast, several times, I get things in gear. I divorce myself from A1 and Charlie, go through a ton of a mess moving both money and all and I relocate.

I got a place to live, but still no commercial office facility, to house HazzardAyre.

If HazzardAyre was going to stay the one man operation that it was just 8 months ago there would be no big deal. But the operation is growing. Needing engineer, on air, office staff, to keep track of billing and ad sales etc. But financial restrictions keeps us in the less than $400.00 a month category. Now then , I have three choices, ROS which I have to for a few months anyway. Look to Salt Lake City or that immediate area, as there are places there, or last but not least, look to tucking tail, admitting Charlie was right and moving the whole gig back to at least Burley. Burley makes sense as most of Mini Cassia area has power and such owned by the local towns not Idaho Power. Plus is close enough for the Utah Charter to go visit. But far less in cost than both Twin Falls, as well as what I’m getting from Ogden Utah.

Now the question of can one sue for this? Probably not as there was nothing in writing as to the guarantee that there was space, but there might be ways of submitting a complaint with the Utah Board of Realtors on ethics violations. The simple thing here is this, I asked for a lease in writing long before I moved. When I failed to get one should have been a red flag, but I came anyway. But I’m dealing this just as I am on most everything else.

Put the whole thing in writing, lease, promise to lease, etc. Same goes for employees or farmed out services like photography, model talent etc. It’s in writing, bonafide or the Knytes are not doing it. Too many if’s, butts, and mirages’ .


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Quote of the Day:
One way to stop a runaway horse is to bet on him.
--Jeffrey Bernard
James 3:17-18“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


Sunday, May 18, 2014

What Have you done for ME lately?

HCJ HEAD ARTsouthern wyngz 2

Isn’t it good and all that god doesn’t say that? Think of it this way, and I thought this last eve as I read my Bible. We all ask God for blessings gifts of spirit and miracles yet, when was the last time you took an entire day, and just said God do with me as you will? When was the last time you sat down and just let the love of God pour over you, looked at nature or yes went to God and just said thanks without asking for anything?

When did you do as he would not as you would? When was the last time you extended your hand to those not as fortunate at the light as the poor man wiped your windshield? When was the last time you invited a missionary to dinner? The list could go on, but by now you get the drift of my ayre here. God wants us to be obedient of course, but he also wants us to be an extension of him. Doing as he would if he was walking the earth. I ask you, when did you allow yourself to be subservient to God? Make him the all mighty powerful one instead of taking credit or praise for something that happened in your life? Did you just think for a millisecond that it was God that enabled you to do that? It was God that gave you the intelligence to do that? When did you sit for hours just reading his guide book? Or while asleep constantly praying for someone else besides yourself?

What if God just said in his realm, who is this fartknocker asking for something else? Why does he want me to do anything when he has done nothing for me? When this person asking me for a miracle , given me any recognition or acknowledged my presence? Why should I help this person?

Isn’t it good that God does not say that in his realm? Isn’t it good you are not forgotten? For once don’t forget God.

For maybe sometime when you ask for something God, just might say, “ What have you done for ME lately?”


HazzardAyre Radio Tymezwynged sig

Quote of the Day:
Hurry! I never hurry. I have no time to hurry.
--Igor Stravinsky
Hebrews 6:10“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


Saturday, May 17, 2014


generic heddersouthern wyngz 2

Last nyte I had my mind up to doing radio. However I discovered about mid production my motivation had diminished to a point that while mind was there the body said no. It’s not that I’m not into what we as a club created with HazzardAyre, nor what is about to go super nova, but the motivation point is low, and there’s no really great creative nor ayring time. I’ve got two situations, slowing the velocity here. One I have a new roomy, who needs sleep, the other syde is a whole famdamnly that has toddlers that arouse very easily. In short its not like a few years ago or even a year ago, when I could just pop on the air and run overnyte on outlaw satellite radio. In the current configuration, there’s the noise and quality considerations. None of which lends themselvez to doing radio from 23:00 hours to 05:00 hours. So until I can locate a suitable facility for the money the club has allotted me to operate with, it’s a when I can , if I can scenario.

Some of ya’ll might ask me about that. It’s not that the club, doesn’t have serious green to splurge on a radio op. The fact is one needs to look at four times that the club really put out money. The first was Evanston Wyoming, we lost just over $400,000.00 , the demise came when I got in lust with a nose candy queen that led me back to Idaho. I moved we lost, strike 1. Then came Gooding Idaho, between the dillweeds at the US Post Office there not being able to find our address when it was only 8 blocks from the place I resided in , that escalated to loss of rent money that got it where the illustrious Strickland Realty being bandit, of locking us out at 16:00 hours when we had been there all day, and I went to eat. That mere amount of time Strickland’s cronies rekeyed the door, and we was SOL. Thing was there was $200k or rebought broadcast gear, not to mention the credibility situation. Strike 2. Then there was the debacle in Heyburn, half way into a buy of KBAR there and the damage to LexiBelle, we lost just over $450k. Strike 3; then the last draw, was after I had divorced myself from A1 Towing of Twin Falls Idaho, moved here and exposing me to 3 times the financial load, our engineer we gained from an ad on CraigsList, decided to jump ship, the early part of May. After I had extended my own reputation to talent agencies, media production companies and more. It took the wynd out of my lungs so-to-speak. Even when the club was looking at slyding back to our original handle to appease said engineer, he splits? Naw. So yea I find it really hard to jump back in, go under the same amounts of stress and all. I’m trying to hold my own rigs together with bailing wire and a prayer everytime I leave the house, LexiBelle is needing bailed back out, only because of the Mexicali’s in Heyburn that poked a hole in Lexi’s belly, plus stealing tow chains, dollies, tag lights and busting her window. That and low on personal income, couldn’t bring her down when I wanted to or at least the first wave of the move. Plus I’m still working on the thing of do I really want to? The way I look at it, I made a move in the thoughts of increasing club income, expanding my education in getting a better rating flying, but not to fyre up a toew service in Utah. Which defined means, the vision is once I’m out of school, the radio gig running, and a suitable trusted manager is found, and working, my butt is headed to Idaho, or Wyoming. So yes I am having some motivational problems. That stinking engineer from Lake Tahoe California leading us to the alter then jumping off the project, really hurt. Trust me friends his day is coming, its called Karma and his is going to be one helluva dejavu .

But that’s what’s going on here.


HazzardAyre Radio Tymezwynged sig

Quote of the Day:
The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.
--John Kenneth Galbraith
Hebrews 6:10“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

You might have noticed that things here are different, well, this is Hazzard County.


The first day without DirecTV. The greater part of that, I’m running all my own programs off of VCR and I have better TV than anything satellite, DirecTV , or cable has on. Amazing.

I read not too long ago, that there was a big fuss going on with the cable companies, over the concept of allowing consumers pick the channels they want to see, kind of alacarte rather than take the bundled junk they are peddling now. Cable networks say the idea would cost em zillions. In reality it would save you and I a bunch of green stamps. Okay then, so It’s been DOH most of the day with a few interjections of SOA. Can’t complaign about that.

So roomy calls Comcast, which is fine, but I don’t think that’s going to work but there are times that silence is golden.

Then got a sample from our picture taker down yonder in Provo. A good pic, but no nylons, or fashion hosiery on the legs. That’s MANDITORY for our visuals.

Then got a great ornery message from some ying yang that was bitching again on the clubs handle. So let me say this, and hopefully this will make it crystal clear.

This is SOA>538056_586352028048739_660917766_n535742_10151752077743291_2025734872_nwhile this is KOA>205896_519681684730944_1216889298_nTHECOLONELANDELLIEMAY

 The Knytes-of-Anarchy has only two things in real common, A the last name Anarchy, and had been running the old reaper. Past that although into machinery , we are a TRUCK club, not an MC, while SOA, is an MC into a bunch of crap the Knytes , would never get into. Although there was a time the Knytes did do muling service for illegal hootch, the fact is There’s a big difference. The Reaper Club was to be the Knytes’ version of the Boars Nest, not the MC only barley pop dispensary that it was shown on TV to be for SOA. Granted and I’ll admit we did grab onto some shirt tails, but the fact is much of the story line of SOA was taken from an old journal, I wrote in 1968 , and had lost at a MC/TC get together.

So teat for tatt.

But ya’ll got to hand it to the albeit warped imagination of yankees.

Any mile, going to grab some viddles, then my fishing pole and head out yonder to a fishin hole I know of near here that’s accessible only by scoot, and that’s the last bit we are similar to SOA, KOA also rides.


wynged sigknytes wings down

Quote of the Day:
Light travels faster than sound so some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
--Joe Messmore
Romans 11:33“[Doxology] Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.



Friday, May 16, 2014

tHERE is good there’s bad then there is Metro Utah


Before Ya’ll get to thinking? Isn’t he satisfied with any place there is good here.

Late November after a disastrous course of events the Knytes-of-Anarchy High Council met in Twin Falls Idaho. Expenses high, income moderate but not keeping with expenses and a growing herd of problems new leadership of the club took hold. I was assigned to being the Op’s director of the AyreWolvez aka the flyte wing of the Knytes-of-Anarchy. I was in short removed from any real responsibility involving the Knytes, only The AyreWolvez. So then forces came in and being as Utah is more aviation friendly, I said I’d move here. I  set things in motion and here I came. So I set up things for HazzardAyre, found a Wolf’s Den, and transplanted myself here to metro Utah. The things they do not tell you, is that such things as a SNAP card benefits, and/or Medicaid is useable across state lines. So by the end of February I was once a captive of Utah. Thinking certain human resources as talent agencies, production firms, and so on were more abundant, I pursued further into the deep dark and terribly beauracratic Beehive state.

Now understand I divorced Charlie, who I care very much about, I gave up a way of life that while I was pissed at Twin Falls’ being too far behind to ever catch up to the 21st Century and as of now I’m not so sure that was a bad thing. But Here I was in Utah.

So thinking I needed to sign up for my SNAP card here I went through hell, doing that. Then needing prescrips, signed up for Utah’s Medicaid, that requires a co-pay, unlike Idaho’s version, by the time I got done, I figured the state with a predominant religion that detests the consumption of beer or whiskey is just a state that’ll drive you to the bottle. So then got through that. So dealing with a much overpriced satellite TV firm, that gets shut off on Saturday, I’m working towards Comcast Cable TV. its more manageable. Granted expensive, but still local. Thing is if you get pissed at DirecTV you can’t go to a local office, grab someone by the collar and give em an attitude adjustment. Whereas as for Comcast, if they can’t act within reason, you can go kick somebody in the ass and give em a change of view.

Now then, clutch needs redone from what that idiot in Heyburn did to my truck, in 2012. If he’d have fixed it right I would not need to be repairing it now. Which is why I never paid the $900.00 bill. Reason it was not done right.

Had the Mexican that punched the hole in LexiBelle’ stomach not have done so, I’d have made the guy in Heyburn re do it. But I needed my truck. But every day now, I’m missing the feelings, smells and love of farm and rural life and lower consumer prices and room to expand and reach out. Rather than be closed in without much of the condiments of rural America that is the sadness of being here in Metro Utah.

Now then, I have been watching two scenarios unfold over the last month or two. One has a okay feller who takes pictures, who gets mucho heckling over some of the so called revealing photography he does. I don’t really care about nude photos , as for me there are way too many women who should not photograph nude, cuzz they is butt smugly without a few enhancements to their enhancements. But that’s his art, its good, although some of his features do need so redoux’. But that’s not the thing here. He is for some reason going through some personal issues. Mostly guy girl , guy friend girlfriend stuff. My thought is this, If I had a gal as hot as he has. I’d be giving her all I could and even selling myself just to afford to keep her happy. She would want for nothing. Guess that’s the difference in being old like myself and youngsters. Their balls may have dropped, just not too far.

Then there’s my roomy, he’s going through a thing of trying to retain the visitation of his yet to be born daughter, and a XYL, that is so damn fugdugly that she’d make a rotted fence post run. I’m talking a gal so fugdugly, that her mere presence makes you hurl. Fat beyond normal baby weight gain, pimple city, and a face that’d make Flash look like Kerri Underwood. Yee, would not catch or even force me to poke at that yee,yuck. But the daughter is his so without affordable legal assistance he’s taking this on. Way too much drama. I want a roomy like Leonard on the Big Bang Theory, course a next door neighbor that looks like Penny>1390315112_kaley-cuoco-467with the character’s personality traits. Something uncomplicated.

All of this makes me so damn thankful that I had a Mom & a Dad that stuck together for 35 plus years, retained the same life’s vision worked hard for it and was able on that level to build a small empire. That I was blessed with the harvest thereof. That I had a Mom & Dad, that gave me just about every conceivable opportunity and life's experiences. I wanted for nothing and in many cases right now still don’t. Sure there are mini crisis’ still needed to be ironed out, getting LexiBelle down here and some other minor expenses paid off and leveled out, but I am comfortable. I have a good solid place to live, some great friends around me, plenty to eat, and my only stress is completing the reasons I moved here, air school, and establishing HazzardAyre at a much higher altitude. But outside of that there is no drama inside my world, but outside, there sure is some. I’m for once happy. If only the state of Utah’s government agencies and all would streamline it would reduce costs, and ease frustration.

Finally and I’ll get into this Friday into Saturday, one of the Wolf-Pack is running for public office in Layton.

TTYL Aviators,


Quote of the Day:
It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress
--Mark Twain
Zephaniah 3:17“The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.””

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

For awhile, it has to be me and mine


If a year ago someone would have told me I’d be writing this, I’d have told them no freaking way.

However time and seas have changed , While in no way I’m killing HazzardAyre Radio or not doing duty for the Knytes, I have come to a point where I need to step back. My insides and mind set is that I just can’t handle the stress.

I have to rebuild my own infrastructure. I have to get my own life back in order, and I need to asses where I’m at here.

The stress of trying to find in studio and on air people of both genders, the stress over finding models and so on for the website, the TV ads and all, then Eli quiting , I just got to a point over the last two weeks that I really am not that ambitious about busting my ass over so much and not getting any support, help, or even a dollar or two for doing it.

My service truck needs brakes and a clutch rebuild, LexiBelle is needing to be gotten out of storage. AyreWolf Aviation is needing attention, Hazzard County Choppers’ sales are way off point, add to that type 2 diabetes, the mess of even getting even the least bit of meds, and the big push to build this through Eli, who said it’d be better in a bigger place and then he jumps ship. Sorry, I just can’t.

This does not mean I’m quitting nor that I’m going off air permanently it just means I’m slowing down, and as said get my own infrastructure in line and order before I can just roll out and increase the abilities of HazzardAyre.

To those that I brought on board way to prematurely I apologize, for the Modeling/talent agencies, again I apologize , I had thought we had it more glued together. Again though the project is not dead, but I need to get my own companies put together, plus find someplace that’s affordable to house HazzardAyre/KDXB FM, and as it looks, that just might involve moving this whole thing back to Idaho, or over to Wyoming where rental rates and utilities are more in line with the current funds the club is willing to part with to build HazzardAyre.

So as it is right now HazzardAyre and all is taking a time out and going on hiatus, until late July early August. Many of you can blame Eli, our wrongly hired engineer. You can blame me for being so trusting. But it goes deeper, which I will not speak of here, but I moved here for three reasons, go to pilot school, for vertical flight, build the radio gig for the club and re-establish AyreWolf Aviation. Those things are going to be my main focus, but the radio gig is as said not going to be a big push.

More L8R


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Quote of the Day:
All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened.
--Ernest Hemingway
Psalm 139:13-14“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.

DON'T PISS OFF THE WOLFhazzardayre pic 2