Monday, May 19, 2014

What looks like an Oasis, probably is a mirage


What might seem to be a sanctuary or oasis , most likely is a mirage. Here’s a recapped background.

Late November the Knytes high council in Idaho meets, thinks joining with the Utah charter and moving to Utah, for the radio ops. Mid December I get noise I can get Fed money to go get my GA and upgraded pilot rating at a school, in Kearns. So I set out looking for a place for me and the station.

I find office space , listed by an outfit called PPC Commercial Realty of Ogden. Talk to a guy named Nate. He says no problem. He has space, promises he has space, will hold said space. So I set sweet Laura in gear she sets up Comcast, several times, I get things in gear. I divorce myself from A1 and Charlie, go through a ton of a mess moving both money and all and I relocate.

I got a place to live, but still no commercial office facility, to house HazzardAyre.

If HazzardAyre was going to stay the one man operation that it was just 8 months ago there would be no big deal. But the operation is growing. Needing engineer, on air, office staff, to keep track of billing and ad sales etc. But financial restrictions keeps us in the less than $400.00 a month category. Now then , I have three choices, ROS which I have to for a few months anyway. Look to Salt Lake City or that immediate area, as there are places there, or last but not least, look to tucking tail, admitting Charlie was right and moving the whole gig back to at least Burley. Burley makes sense as most of Mini Cassia area has power and such owned by the local towns not Idaho Power. Plus is close enough for the Utah Charter to go visit. But far less in cost than both Twin Falls, as well as what I’m getting from Ogden Utah.

Now the question of can one sue for this? Probably not as there was nothing in writing as to the guarantee that there was space, but there might be ways of submitting a complaint with the Utah Board of Realtors on ethics violations. The simple thing here is this, I asked for a lease in writing long before I moved. When I failed to get one should have been a red flag, but I came anyway. But I’m dealing this just as I am on most everything else.

Put the whole thing in writing, lease, promise to lease, etc. Same goes for employees or farmed out services like photography, model talent etc. It’s in writing, bonafide or the Knytes are not doing it. Too many if’s, butts, and mirages’ .


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Quote of the Day:
One way to stop a runaway horse is to bet on him.
--Jeffrey Bernard
James 3:17-18“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.”

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