Monday, May 19, 2014

Tyme to be getting serious


The Little Hooker that could, did, and will again. After a long day of wrangling with my board of directors, mainly my road crew, its been decided to try something.

While the A1 bit tacked onto Cooter’s, is kuel, we thought lets be us for a tyme and see what grynds. So we are gearing up to launching a thing we did, over a decade ago. Yes Cooter’s Highway Hooker Toewing>chht adSo I called our sweetheart at Comcast, Laura, who should be a chief there somewhere. That young lady does more things with grace, precision and effort than just about if not the only one I have dealt with at any utility ever. So with that said understand this, going toewing in Utah was not the top of my list of things to be doing here. But with HazzardAyre needing a bit more tweaking, and some extra hoops to jump through to get to AyreWolf Aviation, thought is pockets getting a bit more shallow. So need to make some green. While that wont happen immediately, as there’s mucho regs to wade through, but I know most of the players, so why not?

A new angle on an old tune.

Okay then. I noticed that our grand photographer from Provo, decided to leave the associated Wolf-Pack. No real loss. In my opinion, his only goal is to make fast cash and constantly promote his old lady. Nothing wrong with that, but constantly at the model interview with Total Model agency in SLC, my main comment was , the gals are NOT IN NYLONS. To me the things are an enhancement that is there. Just like chrome wheels on a truck, they don’t make the truck go any faster, but they sure make it look snazzier. Thus, if your doing something for Hazzard County, and all, nylons are a must. But he never got that, so maybe he can’t take directions? So just like most things, its being done in house. So getting in touch with TMG Wednesday and get the gig on the books.

June 1st means paying on LexiBelle, can’t quite go up there, but no matter what, that’s a bill that’s getting paid so August first I can go get her. Then the gloves come off and we get serious.

I’m sure Dan at MVT just outside of Twin Falls will appreciate that.

On the subject of Twin Falls or at least Idaho. I’m not a big fan of Twin Falls, but I am looking more at Burley as a retreat HQ. Along the lines of the Powers or Evergreen up there, set up shop and kick this gig in gear. While the radio gig, can bloom here in Ogden. If you take off 40 miles from the 204, that’s only 164 miles or 2-1/2 hours down, and same going back, which means a short haul when needed, the rest of the time I stay in Idaho, where life is a bit more relaxed.

Any way its gear down, and doing toew rather than fly.


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Quote of the Day:
If you think nobody cares if you are alive, try missing a couple of car payments.
--Earl Wilson
James 3:17-18“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.”

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